• These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council and relevant declarations.
  2. Certified copy of the applicants National Identity Card.
  3. Three (03) Copies of the building plan certified by a qualified person.
  4. A copy of the approved survey plan of the land on which the building is to be constructed.
  5. Land suitability certificate Issued by the National Building Research Organization in respect of the proposed building to be constructed and the land.
  6. A copy of the assessment fee paid bill.
  7. Copy of the land deed certified by a notary public.
  • Applicable fee – Rs.1000.00 + VAT
  • Advance fee will be charged as per gazette notice.
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 21 Days
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Technical Officer – 070 2435151
            Public Health Inspector – 072 5317601
            Subject Officer – 045 2222041
            Planning Committee

  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council and relevant declarations.
  2. Certified copy of the applicants National Identity Card.
  3. Certificates issued by the agencies depending on the nature of the development mentioned in the application form .
  4. In case the applicant is not the owner of the land, the consent letter of the land owner.
  5. A copy of the land deed certified by a notary public (In the case of land located in an assessable area, the property must be registered in the name of the owner of the land.)
  6. Land suitability certificate Issued by the National Building Research Organization in respect of the proposed building to be constructed and the land.
  7. Original copy of survey plan and 03 photocopies of floor plan of the land certified by an authorized surveyor.
  8. If the name of the land in the deed is Owita, Aswedduma, Deniya, Kumbura, required a recommended letter from the Department of Agricultural Development.
  9. if a draft plan is submitted for approval Copy of Approved subdivisions plan.
  • Applicable fee – Rs.1,000.00 + VAT
  • Advance fee will be charged as per gazette notice.
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 21 Days
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Technical Officer – 070 2435151
            Public Health Inspector – 072 5317601
            Subject Officer – 045 2222041
            Planning Committee

  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council and relevant declarations.
  2. Original copy of approved development plan.
  3. A copy of the applicants National Identity Card.
  • No application fees.
  • Applicable fee – Up to 1000 sq. meters – Rs. 5,000.00
                                Above 1000 square meters – Rs. 10,000.00
    (All above fees are inclusive of government taxes and VAT.)
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 21 Days
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Technical Officer – 070 2435151
            Public Health Inspector – 072 5317601
            Subject Officer – 045 2222041        

  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. In case of land situated in an assessable area, the property must be registered in the name of the owner of the land.
  2. All certificates and letters of recommendation, mentioned in the issued development permit.
  • No application fees.
  • Advance fee will be charged as per gazette notification.
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 14 Days
  • For more information contact
           Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
           Subject Officer – 045 2222041     
           Municipal Engineer – 071 4431594
           Planning Committee

  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council and relevant declarations.
  2. A copy of the survey plan relating to the land.
  • Applicable fee -Rs. 1,500.00 + VAT
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 01 hour
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Technical Officer – 070 7797069
            Subject Officer – 077 4952122    

  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council and relevant declarations.
  2. Assessment Bill paid Without Arrears.
  • Applicable fee – Rs. 1,500.00 + VAT
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 15 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer – 077 4952122    

  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council and relevant declarations.
  2.  In case of an industry or business requiring an Environmental Protection Permit, a certified copy of the valid Environmental Protection Permit should be submitted.
  • Applicable fee – Fees are charged based on the annual value of the place.                            
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted –05 working days
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Revenue Inspector – 045 2232392
            Public Health Inspector – 0714777930  / 0714396453 / 0714440627 / /0716167780
            Head of Mixed Income –  071 4431665
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council and relevant declarations.
  2. Business tax notice received from the council.
  • Applicable fee – Rs. 3,000.00.                            
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted –15 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Revenue Inspector – 045 2232392
            Head of Mixed Income –  071 4431665
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council and relevant declarations.
  2. Business tax notice received from the council.
  • Applicable fee – On the annual value of the place
    When excess 2,500.00 charge – Rs. 5, 000.00 and when below Rs. 2,500.00 charge – Rs. 3,000.00.00
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 15 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Revenue Inspector – 045 2232392
            Head of Mixed Income – 071 4431665
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Assessment notice received from the council.
  2. Last paid assessment bill.
  • Applicable fee –
    • The amount shown in the assessment notice or the amount if any in arrears.
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 10 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
           Subject Officer -045 22221152
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council and relevant declarations.
  2. Certified copy of business registration certificate.
  3. A copy of plan of the approved building.
  4. Plot plan of the land.
  5. Land Deed.
  • Applicable fee –License Fee – Rs. 4,500.00 + VAT
                              Field Test Fees – 

                              If the Investment value Rs. 250,000 or less – Rs. 3,000.00
                                                                      Rs. 250,000 – 500,000- Rs. 3,750.00
                                                                      Rs. 500,001 – 1,000,000 – Rs. 5,000.00
                                                                      Rs. Above 1,000,000 – Rs. 10,000.00

  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 05 Working Days
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Technical Officer – 070 7797069
            Subject Officer -071 – 4431665
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council and relevant declarations.
  2. A printed likeness example of the advertisement intended to be displayed on A4 paper (with the colors used).
  3. A certificate issued by the Head of Police Traffic Division that an advertisement displayed near any road will not obstruct the view of drivers.
  4. A letter stating permission from the owner of the land or building on which the advertisement is to be displayed.
  • Applicable fee – 
    • (Per Sq.ft.) In front of the establishment -Rs. 150.00
    • Out of Institution – Rs. 250.00
    • LIGHT BOARD – Rs. 350.00
    • For LED boards – Rs. 750.00
    • Temporary boards (for 14 days) – Rs. 60.00
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 03 Working Days
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Revenue Inspector – 045 2232392
            Subject Officer -070 2145582
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application  given by the council.
  2. Death certificate of the deceased informed by the Registrar Generals letter addressed to the Commissioner of Local Government.

  • Applicable fee – 

                            Within city limits – Rs. 10,000.00
                            Out of Limit – Rs. 20,000.00
                            Within city limits – Rs. 20,000.00
                            Out of Limit – Rs. 30,000.00

  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 15 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Public Health Inspector -072 5317601
            Subject Officer -070 2145582
            Cemetery Warden – 071 5317559 ( After office hours)
  • Permission slip from Water Board should be submitted.
  • Applicable fee –
    (Minimum size for 10 square feet)

    Carpet – Rs. 14,545.44 (with VAT 15%)
    Concrete – Rs. 3,270.00 + VAT 261.00
    Tar – Rs. 3,270.00 (Free if no damage to road shoulder).       

  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 30 min

  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
           Subject Officer – 071 4657619
           Technical Officer – 070 7797069
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council.
  • Applicable fee – Rs. 1,000.00. (within city limits)
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted –15 min (to forward the application to the Sub-Inspector of Works)
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Technical Officer – 070 7797069
            Subject Officer -070 2145582
            Sub-Inspector of Works – 071 8161600 
  • To pay the entertainment tax these documents should be submitted.
  1. Clients request Letter.
  2. Printed tickets ready for sale.
  • For exemption from entertainment tax These documents should be submitted.
  1. According to the value of the tickets proposed to be sold, an amount equal to the entertainment tax should first be deposited in the council.
  2. At the time of depositing the entertainment tax, the request in Annexure 01 should be correctly completed and submitted.
  3. Form Annexure 02 must be correctly completed and submitted before 30 days from the completion of the fun work.
  • Applicable fee – 10% of the face value of the ticket.
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 01 Day
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer – 071 5432764
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council and relevant declarations.
  • Applicable fee – 
    • With AC – Rs. 20,000.00 + VAT
    • Without AC – Rs. 10,000.00 + VAT
    • For additional facilities – Rs. 4,000.00
    • Administrative Fees – Rs. 3,000.00
    • Security Deposit – Rs. 10,000.00
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 30 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer -071 5432764
            Officer in charge of City Hall – 071 1328050

  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council.
  • Applicable fee –
    – Sivali Playground – Rs. 12,000.00 + VAT
    – Mudduwa Playground – Rs. 8,000.00 + VAT
    – Monarawila Playground – Rs. 10,000.00+VAT
  • Administrative fees –
    – Sivali Playground – Rs. 2,000.00
    – Mudduwa Playground – Rs. 1,000.00

  • Security deposit
    – Sivali Playground – Rs. 5,000.00
    – Mudduwa Playground – Rs. 10,000.00
    – Monarawila Playground – Rs. 5,000.00

  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 30 min

  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer – 071 5432764
            Playground Keepers –  Sivali Playground – 071 8291174
                                                  Mudduwa Playground – 077 7804914

  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Tax notice on the sale of certain lands received from the council.
  2. Approved plot plan.
  3. Planning Committee Report.
  • Applicable fee – 1% of the proceeds from the sale
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 15 min 
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer – 071 1889955
            Revenue Inspector -045 2232392
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council.
  2. A rough diagram of the carnival grounds showing each section used in the carnival.
  • Applicable fee – Rs.2,000.00 + VAT
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 15 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer -070  2245582
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council.
  • Applicable fee – Free of Charge. 
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted –15 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer -071 7119673
  • These documents should be submitted for deeded property.
  1. Duly completed paid Application form given by the council.
  2. Certified copy of the deed.
  3. Copy of certified floor plan.

  • These documents should be submitted for non deeded property.
  1. Duly completed paid Application form given by the council.
  2. Certified Lease Agreement/License or legal document confirming ownership.
  3. Village Officers report countersigned by the Divisional Secretary.
  4. Affidavit issued by the Municipal Council.
  • Applicable fee –
    Application Fee – Rs. 250.00 + VAT

    Fees are inclusive of VAT as applicable for issuance .

  • Time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – Minimum 02 weeks or maximum 06 weeks
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer – 071 1828058
            Revenue Inspector – 045 2232392
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Application completed by a notary/lawyer.
  2. Certified copy of the deed.
  3. A certified copy of the pedigree from the registered owner to the present owner.
  4. Copy of approved plot plan.
  5. Affidavit issued by Municipal Council.
  6. Receipt of payment of assessment.
  • Applicable fee – 
    – Application Fee – Rs. 150.00 + VAT
    – A fee of 1% of the deed value and applicable VAT will be charged.                         
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 02 Days
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer -071 – 4431665
            Revenue Inspector – 045 2232392

  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed paid Application form given by the council.
  2. Certified Lease Agreement/ Licence or Grama Niladari Report confirming the ownership (Certificates of Absence of deeds/permits License and Certificate of Residence).
  3. Assignment given by registered owner.
  4. Affidavit declaring the consent of the siblings if the registered owner is not alive and if the mother/father of the family is not present.
  5. A Certified copy of marriage certificate.
  6. Copy of certified death certificate if registered owner is not alive.
  7. Receipt of payment of assessment. 
  • Applicable fee  –
    – Application Fee – Rs. 250.00 + VAT
    – Amendments will be charged inclusive of VAT as applicable.
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted –Minimum 02 weeks or maximum 06 weeks
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Revenue Inspector – 045 2232392
            Subject Officer – 071 1828058
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Clients requesting letter submitted with correct information related to assessment number.
  • Applicable fee – Document search charges (Rs. 100.00 each for one year.)
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 04 Working Days
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer – 071 7119673
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Request letter issued by the lawyer or the court in the relevant case (mentioning the matter of the case).
  • Applicable fee – Document search charges (Rs. 100.00 each for one year.)
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 04 Working Days
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer – 071 7119673
  • The clients letter of request should be submitted.
  • Applicable fee – For 01 meter hour Rs. 6,111.00 + VAT
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 15 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer – 0714657619
            Works Superintendent – 071 8268822
            Vehicle controller – 071 5564690
  • Water bill be submitted.
  • Applicable fee -The rate mentioned in the water bill.
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 15 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Subject Officer – 071 3567950
  • These documents should be submitted.
  1. Duly completed Application form given by the council and relevant declarations.
  2. Copy of National Identity Card.
  3. Copy of bill to certify payment of assessment.

  • Applicable fee – New Water Connection Charge – Rs. 12,000.00
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 07 Days
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275
            Municipal Commissioner -071 8011112
            Municipal Engineer – 071 4431594
            Subject Officer – 071 3567950
  • Duly completed Application form given by the council should be submitted.
  • Applicable fee –
    – For the application Rs. 10.00
    – Membership for School Students – Rs. 25.00
    – Membership for Adults – Rs. 50.00
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 10 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275 
            Librarian – 071 1921730
  • Duly completed Application form given by the council should be submitted.
  • Applicable fee –
    – The admission fee is Rs. 800.00
    –  Monthly Fee – Rs. 600.00
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 10 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275 
            Head of Welfare Department – 071 2051683

            Preschool Warden

  • Duly completed Application form given by the council should be submitted.
  • Applicable fee –
    – The admission fee is Rs. 2,500.00
    –  Monthly Fee – Rs. 4,000.00 ( For half day – Rs. 3,000.00)
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 10 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275 
            Municipal Commissioner – 071 8011112
            Municipal Secretary – 070 5983908
            Chief Section Officer – 071 2051683
            Day Care Center Officer – 071 8936906  
  • Duly completed Application form given by the council should be submitted.
  • Applicable fee – Free of charge.
  • Minimum time taken to complete the task if the required documents were submitted – 10 min
  • For more information contact
            Front Office Officer – 045 2222275 
            Municipal Secretary – 070 5983908
            Administrative Officer – 071 3664441
            Chief Section Officer – 071 2051683
            Sewing Instructor -076 6845816